Rogan’s Rumination’s

Once I had a location for the story it was a case of deciding where to start. Now baring in mind this is an Historical Fantasy I wanted to add the ‘Viking saga’ feel to it, and that came in the shape of a legend about how the world was formed, and although none of it would figure in the actual story, it was there in the psyche of the characters and of course the author.
The Shattered Realms, book one; The Great Army opens with the story of how and why young Rogan found himself in the caves under the mountain in Obreā. These were his formative years, growing up in a tough environment and witnessing all the depravity and injustice of life among the Orsk, in a feudal system.
Rogan grew up with a repressed anger, feeling the need to prove himself over, and over again, but he also refused praise sometimes to the point of pushing the people closes to him away because everything he earned, he earned the hard way.
When it comes to relationships it was as if he had fell down a hole, it was part of his mission in life to make others happy and feel safe, but he does not apply the same rules to himself.
He is, it is fair to say a very complex and complicated individual but he does have the capability to forgive in a big way, after the fact. So, in this story he is driven to gather an army with which to assault the cave villages of the Orsk under the mountain.
At this moment in his life, Rogan just wants to put an end to the foul practise of using captive human women to breed a new generation of Orsk who can live outside the cave system, something which the older ones cannot do.
In his travels, Rogan will meet new friends and forge new relationships, but he will also soon learn that everything is not as straight forward as it seems to be at first glance.

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